Dylan Heneck
Jan 18, 2017
Oh yeah, so Lxury is coming out with an album soon. How do I know this? Because we are now best friends, and best friends share everything with each other.
We share toothbrushes. We share fingerprints. Bondax even shared a girl one time, except they...
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Jason Grishkoff
Jul 17, 2015
Philly natives CRUISR caught me a bit off-guard with the start of this track. It comes in hard, packing a punch from the word "go." But once things get moving, it becomes a whole lot easier to digest.
I'm clearly not alone in enjoying this sound. Th...
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Elizabeth Walker
May 15, 2015
If you're into deep house, Booka Shade should be a name that needs no introduction. They're makers of some of the deepest, most buoyant house music that has hit dance floors in our generation. These two Germans know how to make some jams that will go...
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Jason Grishkoff
May 11, 2015
Well well, if this isn't a strange coincidence I'm not sure what is. I used to listen to a ton of Metric back in high school, and it wasn't until yesterday that I decided to whip out some of their music (for the first time in at least a year).
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