Sean Nicholas Savage is from Edmonton, Ab and makes great pop music with nice hooks.
He is currently living in Montreal. Sean Nicholas Savage co-wrote and sang lead on many songs more on →
Christiana Bartolini
May 24, 2018
Sean Nicholas Savage's single, "Don't B Sad" is a sweet and simple experimental indie-pop production that can stand the test of time.Produced by TOPS, the track has influences from multiple genres and sounds ranging from R&B, funk, easy listening...
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Marietta Longley
Oct 26, 2013
I love the 80s. Everything from the cheesy movies and their sing-along soundtracks to the dodgy perms and Tom Selleck moustaches speaks to me on some inexplicable level.Imagine, then, my excitement on discovering the wonderfully nostalgic notes and s...
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