Mikky George
Jan 28, 2025
Retro Kid gives us a soft indie funk movie night with their remix of Wounded Bear's "2am in Your Kitchen."Have you ever watched an indie film with just immaculate vibes—vibes that not only surpass their bigger sibl...
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Mikky George
Apr 8, 2024
Retro Kid signs into my kid brain with 'You're So Good,' a fuzzy little chill electro adventure.My childhood flashed in front of my eyes in slow motion when Retro Kid sounded through my ears. I was in the park unde...
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Jami Selikow
Oct 26, 2021
Smooth-as-peanut-butter male vocals with a sweet-jam-like-topping of a female vocal interjection — what more could one need?"Bread," you say? Well, with a bridge that turns the track funky-as-all-hell with a jazzy ...
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Dylan Heneck
Apr 12, 2017
Maybe you've never woken up with cold sweats about it, but what if we're all seeing colors differently. If bananas to somebody were actually my purple, which means blonde hair is slightly purplish. Or if the colors were actually just something totall...
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