Ra Ra Riot is an indie rock band which formed in Syracuse, New York, United States in 2006. The band consists of Wes Miles (vocals, keyboards), Milo Bonacci (guitar), Matthieu Sant...read more on Last.fm →
Jason Grishkoff
May 13, 2011
In case you'd forgotten, the people of Japan just experienced one of the worst natural disasters in recent memory. While it was fortunate that casualty rates were considerably lower than events in Haiti and South Asia, the damage to infrastructure wa...
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Jen Verzosa
Aug 19, 2010
With its twee pop appeal and baroque rock sensibility, Ra Ra Riot will release its sophomore effort The Orchard on Barsuk Records on August 24. While nine out of the ten tracks were mixed by Death Cab for Cutie's Chris Walla and one was mixed by Vam...
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Taylor Fife
Jun 29, 2010
Even if you hate to admit it, a lot of the reason you listen to certain bands and not others has nothing to do with their music. It might be their style, their attitude, what they stand for, or if their publicist and manager did a good enough job pro...
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Jason Grishkoff
Apr 1, 2010
Can You Tell was one of my favorite "˜08 songs, it's a simple love song dealing with those initial jitters you get when first falling in love with someone"¦ You know how you question everything you do, everything feels on edge. Are you showing to muc...
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