Jason Grishkoff
Jan 20, 2012
As many of you will have no doubt heard, Etta James died this morning. My Twitter and Facebook feeds blew up with the subject -- including some saying that they "missed" her. Personally, I think to "miss" her is a little absurd. Not only did they not...
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Joshua Mellin
Sep 4, 2011
One small step for the Man, one giant leap for Portugal.On their major label debut, Portugal. The Man widen their psychedelic tent with a sound wide enough to engulf a nation. Keeping up with their feverish pace of an album per year, they manage to p...
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Joshua Mellin
Mar 15, 2011
Portugal. The Man continue to be the best thing to come out of Wasilla, Alasaka (enter Sarah Palin joke here), and may be the hardest working band laying in the grass, watching the clouds float by. They are some mellow dudes, but they don't fuck arou...
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Jason Grishkoff
Mar 21, 2010
Portugal. The Man first caught my attention with their 2009 album "The Satanic Satanist". It was awesome. In fact, it was so awesome, that "American Ghetto" simply can't live up to expectations. You see, Portugal. The Man has no problem composing com...
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