Dylan Heneck
Jul 9, 2019
Ouska is one of Jason and my favorite artists that has emerged over the past year. Our relationship, musically, is like a forthcoming album I just listened too, released on a label I love called Snorkel Records. Ev...
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Jason Grishkoff
Jan 8, 2018
I can't say I'd ever heard the song before, but Ouska's "Gonzo" is a modern take on Chilly Gonzales' 2012 song "Rideaux Lunaires." Now that I've listened to the original, I must say it's an absolute stunner. So thank you, Ouska, for exposing me to th...
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Jason Grishkoff
Sep 27, 2017
To my knowledge, French producer Ouska has sent me two songs on SubmitHub. Both times I've accepted, which makes for a pretty solid track record.
The first song in question was a remix of Glen & Lloyd's "Rudies Give Up," a reggae-inspired edit t...
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Jason Grishkoff
Sep 12, 2017
Oh. My. Goodness. This sounds sooooo good to my ears.
I can't find a whole lot of information about the original song. My instincts want me to believe that it's a really old song, but based on my Googling capabilities, it looks like it might not act...
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