Alex Crossan, 18 years old beat slayer heart breaker producer singer writer lover UK based producer.
His artist name is inspired by the Japanese legend of the sword smith Mura more on →
Elise Cobain
Apr 14, 2015
Mura Masa is so Indie Shuffle. His style and sound are everything that attracted me to follow this site as a reader and compel me to share music with you guys as a writer.
This track blends current house and dance trends with samples and tropical i...
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Jade Furubayashi
Dec 29, 2014
Mura Masa is a 18-year old kid and a self-proclaimed "beat slayer heart breaker." He dropped his debut project,Soundtrack to a Death in November, and shortly thereafter, the single "Miss You" began making it's way across the music blogosphere. Now he...
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Elizabeth Walker
Sep 28, 2014
Billie Black is new to Indie Shuffle, and I'm excited to bring this young artist to the site. Born and bred in the UK, Black teamed up with Mura Mura, a producer also out of London.
At 19 years old, Black's vocals certainly reflect an older, more m...
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