Producer DJ Marlin has been hatching quiet classics from his west coast studio for almost a decade. The Scratch DJ started to learn the possibilities of the studio in the 90's in more on →
Forrest Hall
Apr 15, 2020
I found Laura Marling today while sitting on my balcony and enjoying the seventy-five and sunny Texas weather. My mind slowly drifted off while swinging back and forth in my hammock. Laura’s voice has a way of doin...
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Almond Ivan
Oct 19, 2015
Track after track, Marlin has showed us that he isn't bound to any genre or sound, and he could likely do a good job on any style. It was about a year ago when I first discovered him through a really fun, synth-filled house track titled "Zebra." It w...
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Joshua Mellin
Jan 28, 2014
Jackson C. Frank's wanderer's tune "Blues Run The Game" would have found a perfect home in the Coen Brother's Inside LlewynDavis. Originally released on his 1965 self-titled album, it has remained somewhat obscure despite being covered by the likes o...
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Tobias Handke
Jul 25, 2013
To me, there is no greater name in American rock history than Bruce Springsteen. The Boss is the epitome of the working class; his poetic lyrics visualize the hardships and romanticism of the American dream through melodic anthems that are made for k...
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