Cassie Morien
Mar 20, 2017
SXSW has ended and hordes of exhausted musicians and fans are pouring out of Austin. There is one question being asked of us zombies over and over: What is the best thing you heard?
My answer falls out of my mouth before the question is out: LOLO.
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Lauren Ziegler
Sep 24, 2015
Earlier this year saw the release of singer-songwriter Lolo's EP Comeback Queen, and while I'm a little late to the table, I wanted to share one of my favorite tracks with you now.
A little different to the usual stuff that I post, this is a big, s...
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Dylan Heneck
Sep 13, 2015
Too Jazzy, too fresh. Despite often being mistaken for a sexy priest, Sixtus Preiss is actually a total jazz badman from Austria, and is kind enough to give us all the "band version" of his phenomenal "Lololo."
Imagine JJ Abrams gave you two version...
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