Jake LiBassi
Feb 24, 2017
Talk about genre bending.
Coming from a Nightcore background, Deadbeats' artist Kid Froopy (Zeds Dead's label) integrates his roots into an uplifting melody and a newfound vocal ability.
"The vocal starts with a question and it never really gets an...
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Sarah Jukes
Feb 21, 2017
Did you hear the rumor going around last year that the lead singer for Terror Jr is actually Kylie Jenner?
If it's true then Kylie's been awfully busy lately. She opened a pop up shop recently in New York City and the streets around where I frequent...
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Almond Ivan
Aug 25, 2016
This just in! Moving Castle just released their final release for the summer by the one and only Kid Froopy. Stylistically speaking, this froop music slapper is somewhere between a cross of Owl City, Darude and Giraffage.
Kid Froopy isn't a househo...
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