Japandroids is a Canadian rock duo from Vancouver, British Columbia formed in 2006. The group consists of Brian King (guitar, vocals) and David Prowse (drums, vocals).
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sean o
Jun 6, 2012
I didn't want to like Japandroids. Eardrum busting rock & roll is not typically my genre of choice, but trying to deny the kick-assery of this Vancouver-based duo has been an exercise in futility.Their new album, Celebration Rock, is a runaway tr...
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Mike Madden
Sep 20, 2010
Last year, Japandroids' David Prowse said in an interview that his band experienced a drastic increase in popularity after an 8.3/Best New Music Pitchfork review of their debut album, Post-Nothing, and an Exclaim magazine cover. But before that atten...
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Jason Grishkoff
Aug 20, 2010
Though I still have no idea who the person behind Teen Daze actually is, I've been following his music very closely for the past few months and have yet to be disappointed. He does some of the most impressive electronic work I've come across, exhibit...
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camden andrews
Jul 15, 2009
This is far from a musical masterpiece. Simple song-writing, cheesy lines, and fuzzed out sound. It's essentially two guys cranking everything to eleven and rocking with reckless abandon. That's kind of the genius behind this album though. It's full ...
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