Andrew Hozier-Byrne (born 17 March 1990), known mononymously as Hozier, is an Irish musician and singer-songwriter from Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland. In 2013 he released his more on →
Jami Selikow
Nov 1, 2024
I've committed to sharing more songs in the coming days, and tonight's pick is a bit more somber than usual. However, there's a beauty and charm to it that warrants a write-up.Hozier grew to a rather large name a l...
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Jason Grishkoff
Mar 11, 2015
Remember the good old days when Ellie Goulding was releasing new music left, right and center? Perhaps some of you remember it too well (to the point of being annoyed).
Well, fortunately for that latter group she took a break. And fortunately for th...
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Aaron Blum
Jan 23, 2015
"Take Me To Church" by Hozier is one of those songs that you either love or hate. Perhaps you used to love it and now hate it, or maybe you hate to love it?
However your boat is floating with the original, I came across a decent remix from a Swedi...
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Oct 14, 2014
Not so new, not so fresh, not as praised as his breakthrough single "Take Me To Church," but just as great -- or even better -- "Work Song" is the perfect definition of bittersweet. This is Hozier as we love him, with lyrics and harmonies so soulful ...
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Tessa Schroll
Feb 4, 2014
If there is one song that will give you chills this year, it's this one. Hozier delivers a goosebump-worthy track that's not only tantalizingly dark, but also touches upon the heavy subject of homosexuality.Andrew Hozier-Byrne, the Irish born musici...
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