Tobias Handke
Aug 8, 2018
Emerging UK R&B starlet Hannah Lucia is back with the spellbinding "Strangest Feeling."
Eight months on from Lucia's the absorbing "Your Love," Lucia latest tune is another reminder why she's one of the UK's most exciting talents.
Combing Luci...
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Chad L.A. Roberts
Mar 28, 2016
Well-documented and one UK’s most influential DJs, L-VIS 1990, co-signs the moody songstress, Hannah Lucia with a remix of her atmospheric distillation “Don’t Hold Out”.
L-VIS 1990 substitutes the original organs and synths, and dispatches a vintage...
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Chad L.A. Roberts
Nov 4, 2015
Today is a good day. Why? I have the pleasure of reviewing singer and songwriter Hannah Lucia's "Don't Hold Out." By way of London and now home to New York City, Lucia's emotional vocals and stripped-down electronic production delivers a right-on-tim...
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Devin Duckworth
Mar 12, 2015
Hannah Lucia is a former Londoner (now Brooklynite) making the paces of an emerging R&B artist with her stunning debut track “Lights Out.”
Creating hype throughout the blogosphere since its release last week, Lucia’s first official release under...
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