Stacy Klein
May 3, 2021
Jacana People’s remix of Emancipator and 9 Theory’s “I Feel You” is house music at its best. The track builds beautifully and introduces enough complexity through textured and ever-changing sounds, beats, and tempo...
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Dylan Heneck
Mar 4, 2021
If you're like me, then you might have also thought, after reading the song's title, that it was going to be a nu-disco remix of John Lennon's "Imagine". It's not though. Instead, "Emagination" is a French house pe...
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Stacy Klein
Feb 6, 2021
Coming to you from the streets of New York, Boston-born and Kenyan-raised emawk (otherwise known as Kwame Nkrumah) has delivered a single that is equal parts comforting and vibey, with lyrics that reflect a heartfe...
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Jason Grishkoff
Oct 23, 2020
From the moment this landed in my submission feed I knew it was going to be a good one. Koresma and Emancipator have featured heavily on Indie Shuffle in the past, so surely the combination of both is destined for success, right?Right!This remix was ...
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