Steven Paul "Elliott" Smith (August 6, 1969 – October 21, 2003) was an American songwriter and musician. Smith was born in Omaha, Nebraska, raised primarily in Texas, and resided more on →
Joshua Mellin
Dec 21, 2010
Know what I've found to be the most efficient introduction to Elliott Smith? Remember that really intense scene in the Royal Tenenbaums where Richie Tenenbaum (played by Luke Wilson) attempts suicide? That chilling scene where he very calmly takes ou...
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Jason Grishkoff
Dec 17, 2009
I still remember where I was when I heard that Elliott Smith had died. I had woken up that morning in a bunk bed in a youth hostel in Lausanne, looking out over Lake Geneva, on a cloudy and dark day. I got the news on a communal computer in the loung...
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