Dylan Heneck
Feb 5, 2019
I dunno, I'm definitely a bit tired. Not that Edwin Organ's latest release is exhausting or anything, maybe it's just existential dread.
What is giving me energy while listening to this song though is the idea that Edwin could have trained a group ...
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Dylan Heneck
Dec 6, 2016
Never met anyone named Edwin, or maybe I have and I just forgot. Names are hard to remember. It's like knowing the secret password to hundreds, or even thousands of different safes.
Yes they personally give you the code to unlock, but when you have ...
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Almond Ivan
May 1, 2016
"Charlie's House Cut," not to be confused with "Charlie Bit My Finger," the viral YouTube video of a baby biting a toddler's finger, is quite weird, but quite nice. Weird is honestly a compliment these days, seeing as almost everything is starting to...
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