Mikky George
Dec 20, 2023
Eight months have gone by, and I am still not over Dirty Nice's "This is Gonna Hurt" a psych-pop extravaganza that has my feet twiddling and my heart racing, if only from melancholia.Joyous Indie Pop and Alt-Rock s...
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Nara Schneider
Jan 12, 2022
Due to an increase in live performances, the duo behind Dirty Nice revealed themselves in an interview with Notion in 2018. However, they have certainly maintained an elusive aura about them, often obscuring their ...
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Connor Dillman
Jun 12, 2017
"Zero Summer" is the second single from Dirty Nice, a project that seems to be based in the UK (featured on BBC Introducing last year, releasing through Bristol-based Chiverin) but has otherwise kept mum on more biographical details. Fine by me - the...
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