Dianas bring an eclectic mix of influences and intuitive, unschooled playing styles to their inherited and/or stolen instruments, working out how to play together as they go along....read more on Last.fm →
Christiana Bartolini
Oct 25, 2015
Dianas have got their finger on the pulse of prog rock.
"Of A Time" is a free-flowing yet comfortably contained progressive rock song that weaves between a bit gritty and a bit poppy. The female vocals lend a softer touch to a track that would be mo...
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Hugh McClure
Mar 12, 2014
Perth trio Dianas really struck a chord with me when I got a hold of their single "Cruelty" six months back. Released as an AA single (the band had shared their debut EP with the world in 2012), it gained plenty of blog and radio appreciation, and na...
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Hugh McClure
Sep 11, 2013
I'd never heard of Perth trio Dianas until this week, but now I'll be paying plenty of attention to them. After coming together last year, they've used their varied influences -- dream-pop melodies woven through a blend of 60s surf-rock, 90s shoegaze...
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