Almond Ivan
Oct 9, 2017
It'd be pretty easy to make a post about Julien Mier's "Melting Landslide" and twist it into some political shit, but I think it's better to just brush that off and enjoy the track.
Julien pairs cute melodies with melancholic, apocalyptic lyrics, cr...
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Dylan Heneck
Oct 4, 2017
Today might be the perfect day to start a new theme for my reviews. To those of you who haven't dabble before, I suggest not going back and reading what I've written in the past. We're moving forward here, baby!
The theme I'm imagining here is cover...
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Tobias Handke
Sep 30, 2017
Rising Los Angeles singer-songwriter Evalyn delivers something special with third single "Rather Be Dead." After capturing my attention with the dreamy "Filthy Rich" and indie-pop "Cherry Lambo," new single "Rather Be Dead" has a more low key vibe.
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