Rhett Flowers
Oct 24, 2012
Chromatics happen to be one of these great artists that got together and submitted new material for the release of After Dark 2, the follow up to a previous compilation of the same name produced by record label Italians Do It Better. After Chromatic...
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Jason Grishkoff
Sep 28, 2012
Mr. Carlos Serrano is back with another epic mashup, this time opting for a slightly more obscure artist to layer under Kanye West.In case you've missed his prior work, the highlight was definitely Daft Punk vs. Adele. That said, there have also been...
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Jason Grishkoff
Feb 14, 2012
Occasionally there comes along a song with a guitar lick so simple and catchy that it renders your eardrums completely occupied. In this case, Portland-based Chromatics have accomplished just that with their cover of Neil Young's "Hey Hey, My My (Int...
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