Jason Grishkoff
Jul 19, 2012
There are two reasons I love encountering awesome covers like this: 1) well, it's awesome; 2) I get exposure to an original song that I wasn't familiar with. In this case, Télépopmusik's "Breathe" (video below). At this point I'm not actually sure wh...
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Jason Grishkoff
Jan 26, 2012
Sure, there are purists out there who are going to be disgusted by Capital Cities' take on "Breathe." I was definitely one of the skeptics -- but they kept the intro interesting, enough that I quickly knew this was worthy of SOTD. And to think, that ...
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Jason Grishkoff
Jul 8, 2011
Okay, Butch, you win this one. I loved the hell out of your Band of Horses remix, so really, I shouldn't be that surprised that this remix of Sia is awesome.Based out of Detroit, Butch appears to be making a name for himself by applying delicately co...
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Max Jacobs
Nov 2, 2010
I was half a step from walking out the door at a San Francisco bar the other night, having already heard the artist I came to see, when a friend stopped me and said, "You gotta hear the next band, they'll make you cry." One of the better decisions I'...
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