Bri Guy
Jan 13, 2014
Outlaw Boogie is the solo project of MJ Dent, who happens to be one half of Yoofs. MJ Dent creates, produces, and masters when he is in North London; he started Outlaw Boogie back in February 2013."She Ain't Heavy," his latest song, is a lo-fi indi...
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Bri Guy
Jun 9, 2012
Work Drugs have been developing their craft in Philadelphia for a little over a year now. The duo consists of Thomas Crystal and Benjamin Louisiana, but they have been known to perform with a full live outfit as well."Boogie Lights," comes from the ...
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Jul 8, 2011
With conditions distinctly balmy, it feels like an appropriate time to share this mixtape from Mick Boogie and DJ Jazzy Jeff with you guys.In the mix, these two legendary DJs have compiled a tracklist of summery hip-hop classics, re-introducing you t...
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