Mike Madden
Feb 5, 2011
If you're like me, you haven't heard much exciting folk music in the last few years. Despite the recent emergence of songwriters like Justin Vernon (Bon Iver) and Robin Pecknold (Fleet Foxes), it often seems like a mere handful of contemporary artist...
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Joshua Mellin
Feb 2, 2011
The newest track from Fleet Foxes' is a perfect song for a cold winter day with a blizzard barreling down on most of the country.Carefully crafted over late nights in the past year, the title track from their sophomore release Helplessness Blue, due ...
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Joshua Mellin
Dec 12, 2010
The pit at the Congress Theater was starting to chill over. Snowflakes snuck in the doors to the side of the stage as the last act unloaded their equipment. The lights dimmed and the Nocturnals strolled to their spots.Then, Grace Potter strutted to t...
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Joshua Mellin
Dec 11, 2010
I think many will be tempted to categorize Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros as some kind of thinly veiled cult of a band (I'm looking at you, I'm From Barcelona and The Polyphonic Spree), but they're really just a bunch of harmless hippies hap...
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Christiana Bartolini
Nov 29, 2010
Today is the LAST day to enter the contest to win free passes Chicago Bluegrass & Blues Festival! Five lucky winners will get to see bands over the course of three days from 12/3-12/5 at various locations throughout the Windy City. Bands include ...
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