Lauren Ziegler
Aug 28, 2015
Chances are you already know Melbourne artist Andrei Eremin. He's best known for his production talents, having worked with the absolute best Australian artists today, including Hiatus Kaiyote, Chet Faker, I'lls, Oisima, and Rat & Co.
He's rece...
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Hugh McClure
Apr 18, 2015
Brilliant Melbourne-based producer Andrei Eremin has made a name for his behind-the-scenes work with artists like Chet Faker, Miami Horror and Hiatus Kaiyote. But, he's also branched out with his own material over the past year or so.
Aside from a f...
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Hugh McClure
Nov 19, 2014
While Remi's incredible Raw X Infinity album has probably been my favorite Australian hip-hop record of the year, these guys have been a pretty damn close second. Melbourne duo Milwaukee Banks has been carving out their own niche, pushing the boundar...
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Hugh McClure
Jul 1, 2014
Quickly becoming Australian electronic music's worst kept secret, Melbourne producer Andrei Ereminhas just taken a big step into the spotlight. Usually operating behind the scenes (producing for the likes of Chet Faker, Oscar Key Sung, and I'lls, amo...
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