Amen Dunes, the solo project of Damon McMahon, began with recordings made in the fall of 2006 in upstate New York. Those tapes were initially put on the shelf as personal more on →
Billy Swartzfager
Feb 26, 2018
As the rabid fans of Amen Dunes prepare for the next album to drop in late March, Damon McMahon, the mastermind behind the project, has given them a couple of fantastic singles to curb their appetite. “Miki Dora” is the first such single, and it’s ab...
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Bri Guy
May 2, 2014
Amen Dunes is the project of Damon McMahon, which began as collection of songs that he recorded in New York in 2006 -- but he never officially released them. He journeyed to China for few years until 2009, when the songs were picked up by L...
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