There are at least seven artists with this name:
1. A popular electronic music duo from France
2. A jazz trio from the United States
3. A noise rock band from Japan
4. An alias of more on →
William Lewis
Dec 1, 2017
Tom Honey suffered from tinnitus, a condition that causes continuous ringing in the ears and results in difficulty sleeping. To alleviate the effects of this, he decided to create a series of calming and relaxing sounds to help him sleep. The result ...
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Dylan Heneck
Nov 10, 2017
James Murphy has probably won many awards in his life, which means this next distinction won't really come as a surprise. He is the proud receiver of my monthly "Person I'd Like To Meet Most" award. By default, Munk is the runner-up, and WhoMadeWho c...
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Jason Grishkoff
Oct 20, 2017
Foreign Air have become regulars on Indie Shuffle, so when their latest single "Lying" cropped up in my feed I figured hey, we should probably share this.
The song itself is good, but perhaps a bit safe. I dunno, maybe I've been listening to too muc...
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