Weezer is an American rock band. Formed in 1992, they have released eight full length albums, six EPs, and a DVD. Their latest album, titled 'Everything Will Be Alright In The End'...read more on Last.fm →
Jason Grishkoff
Oct 26, 2015
Weezer?! Geeeez, how's that for a flashback?
Actually I'd be lying if I said I was super familiar with their discography. Still, hearing a song out of their camp naturally reminds me a bit of the late 90s and early 2000s.
The band will be going on ...
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Philip Friedman
Jul 14, 2014
If you are of a certain age, then Weezer's Blue Album holds a special place in your heart. It came out when I was in 7thgrade, and I was straight obsessed. I listened to that CD cover to cover hundreds of times, I knew every lyric in the album, and I...
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Bri Guy
Jun 10, 2014
Weezerdoesn'tneed much of an introduction at this point.Rivers Cuomo (lead guitar/lead vocals), Patrick Wilson (drums), Brian Bell (guitar/keyboard), andScott Shriner (bass) have been rocking the same line-up since 2001. The L.A.-based band made wave...
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sean o
Dec 28, 2011
Sometimes I scour the web for days in search of a track worth sharing with my family, friends and all you wonderful Shufflers, and I still come up empty-handed. Other days, a great track smacks me in the face before I can get through the first verse,...
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Jason Grishkoff
May 30, 2011
I really didn't expect this cover to be as good as it is. Its sound is almost identical to the original, with one notable exception: it's Rivers Cuomo singing, not Thom Yorke. Granted, they've both got very unique pipes, recognizable by almost anyone...
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Jason Grishkoff
Mar 20, 2010
But let's forget that for a moment, and take a listen to a time when it felt like Weezer were about to return home and take their rightful crowns as kings of dork-rock. The fact that they didn't is inconsequential "“ listening to these tunes it's eas...
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