1) Forming late 2008 around charismatic guitarist/vocalist Marty Frawley and bassist Rick Milovanovic, the Twerps have quickly risen to become one of Melbourne, Australia’s favouri...read more on Last.fm →
Jason Grishkoff
Jan 8, 2015
You'll have to forgive me, but this lazy new single by Twerps has piqued my interested enough that it's earned a spot as today's Song of the Day.
Frankly, there's nothing too special going on here. Electronic influences are nil; production gimmicks ...
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Hugh McClure
Oct 16, 2014
Melbourne band Twerps has been one of Australia's most talented exports in recent years, with plenty of appreciation for their music coming from abroad (as well as back home, of course). This is set to continue with the four-piece announcing they've ...
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Jason Grishkoff
Aug 26, 2012
For a country with a population of less than 25 million, the Australian music scene certainly is booming with talent. I hadn't heard of Melbourne-based quartet Twerps until a few days ago, but they've instantly won me over with their lo-fi, surf pop ...
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