Matt Ho
Jul 23, 2015
Italian producer/multi-instrumentalist Leonardo Salvaro goes by the name "florestano" when he's not busy running Kowloon Records.
Not only is his LP, Noh, the first release for his newly launched London-based music label, but it also happens to be h...
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Justin Lam
Nov 23, 2014
Louis the Child has given us the perfect track to wrap up the weekend, and I could not be happier. The Chicago duo has brought Yellerkin's "Tools" to life with this tropically infused remix that will undoubtedly pop a little hop in your step for the ...
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Jason Grishkoff
Sep 24, 2014
Flashing back to February of this year, I picked up on a New York-based band called Yellerkin, who had just released a great EP including a track titled "Solar Laws."
More than six months later, they're back with a new single titled "Tools," though ...
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Dec 19, 2012
The content of this post has been removed by request of the original author. We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you're keen to find out more information about the artist, we suggest hitting the download link above, which should connect you to th...
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