Tom Trago (born 1983, Amsterdam) has been operating at the forefront of electronic music for the past ten years. Started playing records as a local Amsterdam DJ - and soon abroad more on →
Dylan Heneck
May 10, 2015
Lot 613 in Los Angeles will be hosting Dutch label boss Tom Trago on May 16. If you're in the area, I'd suggest going, looking out for the most riled up South African you can find and buying them a series of Flaming Lamborghini's.
This track you ha...
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Mar 25, 2015
He's been away for a little while, but Tom Trago's latest track "Hidden Heart of Gold" is one of truly epic proportions.
Clocking in at over twelve minutes long, the Dutch producer has produced one of the most dramatic, spellbinding house tunes we'v...
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