Stowed away in the sprawling corner of Los Angeles, SPAZZKID aka Mark Redito quietly constructs his map of seemingly disparate beats and melodies into perfect harmony. With more on →
Justin Lam
Dec 9, 2014
Although Spazzkid doesn't possess the most flattering moniker out there, one cannot fault the unequivocal brilliance of his unique production.
I only just started following the L.A. producer a couple of months ago, and I've been blessed to hear som...
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Justin Lam
Sep 12, 2014
"Something About Us," one of the most underrated (in my opinion) Daft Punk tracks from Discovery, has received this snazzy cover by L.A. producer Spazzkid.
I say snazzy because there are just so many good vibes to be felt on this cover. It flows se...
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