Jami Selikow
Mar 17, 2023
Small Forward's "Imagine So" isn't new but it stands the test of time as a melody hard-hitter.The weekends are long, the days drag out, the evenings are blurred, and the simple joys of life take the front seat. Son...
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Jason Grishkoff
May 15, 2020
What do LA and Mumbai have in common? Well for one, lots of people. And the air's probably cleaner in both cities with this whole covid19 thing going on.They've also got Small Forward in common. There are three mem...
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Christiana Bartolini
Feb 21, 2019
Small Forward's single "Kind Of Funny" is an indie pop slow jam that gently tugs at your heartstrings.
The piano intertwines with the guitar as they remain front and center throughout the track. The vocals beautifully drift atop the epic composition...
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