Dylan Heneck
Jun 22, 2017
Like after a summer rain, my chakras have been cooled -- it's the effect this remix will have on you. Luckily, just in time for my weekly basket weaving circle.
I planned to, whilst concluding my underhanded bamboo throw stitch, repent for that ent...
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searra ruggeri
Jul 2, 2016
Back in 2012 I went through a summer phase where I was addicted to lounge music. I'd sit behind a computer for 6 hours each day staring out the window and typing arbitrary values into an excel spreadsheet. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time daydr...
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Marietta Longley
Aug 25, 2014
London-based Semi Precious, the solo project of a guy named Guy, combines a soothing vocal fragility with "shifted-wrapped-chopped samples" to create music that exudes an experimental, atmospheric intensity.
“Shaky Skies” is dark, gloomy, and spatia...
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