Donald Pullen (born April 16, 1991), better known by the stage name Rockie Fresh, is an American hip hop artist born in Chicago, Illinois signed to Maybach Music Group. He is more on →
Zach Connett
Jul 26, 2013
Rockie Fresh is the Maybach Music Group-bred talent from Chicago, and today, we supply his newest single."God is Great" is the name of the song, bringing us to the intersection of rap and religion. Rappers, who are generalized for their crazy lives a...
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Zach Connett
May 15, 2013
Electro pop and hip-hop? I think it's fair to say that this relationship is somewhat unexplored, so it excites me to provide this track to our curated digital library.Rockie Fresh is a name we've seen just a couple times in this community of tunes. T...
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Zach Connett
Mar 14, 2013
One of the newest members of the Maybach Music Group Empire, Rockie Fresh is a young'n from Chi-town who has been gracing the headphones of hip-hop aficionados since 2010.Electric Highway, his third official mixtape and first project under MMG, is ch...
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John Matthew Simon
Aug 13, 2012
While everyone has been clamoring about this EDM mix versus this EDM track, Rick Ross has been slowly building his Maybach Music Group empire one soon-to-blow hip-hop star at a time. This time around it is Chicago's very own Rockie Fresh. Rockie Fres...
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