Jason Grishkoff
Aug 6, 2017
As soon as the male vocals kicked in just before the 1-minute mark, this track had me won over.
"Divina" is a lovers-quarrel, sung in both Spanish and English. The back-and-forth presents each others' side of the story, layered over a fun and upbeat...
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Dylan Heneck
Jan 19, 2017
Listening to this on a beach, that would be a dream. No, but really, I am listening to this on a beach.
"Beaches are a laptops mortal enemy," you say? You're not wrong, which is why I'm going to put this bad boy away.
Like, right now.
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Cyrus Pavel
Jul 11, 2016
Brooklyn collective, Mons Vi just released a smooth listening tune for lovers. It's a romantic serenade of indie rock and dreamwave sounds that make your heart sort of melt even before diving into the lyrics.
The pensive tune features some excellen...
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