Cassie Morien
Aug 21, 2016
I wrapped words around this song many moons ago, but technical difficulties got the better of us. It looks like the Internet gods have finally let me share another sparkling gem from my absolute favorite indie electro-pop duo.
To date, my most belov...
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Cassie Morien
Feb 9, 2016
Midi Matilda has been, unknowingly, scoring my life for the past two years.
My introduction to the duo left my feet floating through the streets of Houston, Texas. I would bring their sound back to Austin, using the entirety of their 2012 EP, Red Li...
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Justin Lam
Jun 30, 2013
Midi Matilda covering the 1970's soul group The Temptations? It would be an absolute crime not to have a listen. Like most of you, the only song that really springs to mind when it comes to The Temptations is the all famous "My Girl." Well, San Fran'...
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Elizabeth Walker
Jul 19, 2012
One thing that's extra awesome about blogging is that people always want to share their music with you. Last week, a coworker of mine emailed me about a new band she discovered, so here we are ready to listen and learn about the stellar band Midi Ma...
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