Dylan Heneck
Nov 10, 2017
James Murphy has probably won many awards in his life, which means this next distinction won't really come as a surprise. He is the proud receiver of my monthly "Person I'd Like To Meet Most" award. By default, Munk is the runner-up, and WhoMadeWho c...
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Lauren Sloss
Oct 11, 2013
Are there five words more magical than, "James Murphy remixed David Bowie?" Maybe "free concert tickets for life." But it's a close call, because when I think of innovative, mind-bowing, always thoughtful and ALWAYS danceable good freaking music, Bow...
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Jason Grishkoff
Dec 27, 2012
What do you get when you bring in LCD Soundsystem's James Murphy to produce a track by legendary UK band Pulp? Well, you get an awesome combination that sounds as much modern as it does classic."After You" was an old demo song that the band have had ...
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Jason Grishkoff
Feb 23, 2012
It's highly unusual that we'd post the same track two days in a row, but we thought we'd upgrade yesterday's radio rip of this track with the real thing. Converse has released "DoYaThing" to the public as a free download, which you can grab over here...
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