Jason Grishkoff
Aug 6, 2014
Chances are that if you know DNTEL, you know him as one half of the slightly-more-famous outfit The Postal Service.
The man behind the act -- James Scott "Jimmy" Tamborello -- has been releasing music since the 90s, and already has a large discograp...
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Jason Grishkoff
Jan 24, 2013
By far one of the strangest form of hip-hop remix are those in which the vocals are slowed down substantially. I've seen this referred to as a "Bluewave Edit" (see Nicolas Jaar), so I'm not too surprised to see Joneses calling this one a "Purple Edit...
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Jason Grishkoff
Apr 25, 2012
Okay, I think we can all agree upon listening to this track that Dntel is much more user-friendly when he's acting as half of The Postal Service.The second single we've heard off his upcoming album Aimlessness, Jimmy Tamberello finds himself joined b...
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