Club Cheval are a French electronic super group and art collective hailing from Paris, consisting of Victor Watel (Panteros666), Cédric Steffens (Canblaster), Quentin Lepoutre ( more on →
Almond Ivan
Dec 1, 2015
Ryan Hemsworth's newest remix for the French super-group Club Cheval is a pleasant surprise. It's not what you may have come to expect from him. Of course, he may be known for experimental vibes like this, but this may be his most modern piece of art...
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sean o
Jun 10, 2012
Canblaster, MYD, Panteros666 and Sam Tiba sound like gamer tags involved in the latest online RPG, but in fact these four gentleman are responsible for one heck of a blood-pumping dance tune. We previously featured Brodinski's contribution to Bromanc...
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