Dylan Cai
Aug 1, 2022
"TKM" is an oldie but goldie by Boy Pablo. Released on Oct. 5, 2018, at the bottom of his sophomore album Soy Pablo, Boy Pablo uses this song as his rolling credits to say farewell to his listeners after reaching t...
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Dylan Cai
Jul 29, 2022
In a spur of releases in 2022, Boy Pablo's third single this year provides yet another endorphin blasting track for us to blast on the road with the windows down.Inspired by Cumbia music, a Latin music style origin...
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Jonathan Pan
May 31, 2020
I find myself speaking in superlatives quite often but this could very well be my favorite release of the year so far. At the very least, I can't remember the last time a song made such a deep impression on me. Lov...
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Jason Grishkoff
Oct 7, 2018
This one popped up on my YouTube recommendations, and I found myself digging it straight away. It brings together the perfect blend of upbeat surf pop and TDCC-esque indie pop. Dig it.
The song comes off the Norwegian act Boy Pablo's new EP Soy Pabl...
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