Scott Lavene's "Prettiest Peach" really captures attention with its vivid and unique storytelling.
“Prettiest Peach came from a conversation with an aunt and brother at my Dad’s funeral. It’s about my family and humans in general, leaning towards the bright light, how people are odd and how oddness is excellent, how characters should be celebrated. It’s also about how the men in my family are generally a bit shit whereas mum, all mums, most mums, somehow hold it all afloat”
Unlike what I normally hear and share, this song stands out as different. But the bassline and the wordplay are what make "Prettiest Peach" stand out as excellent. The Jamie T'esque vocal performance adds a layer of nostalgic value for those of us who grew up with Panic Prevention in our playlists.
Consider me a fan who will be watching what's to come from this artist of odd pop and twisted ballads.