Dear Indie Shuffle,
As the coffee wears off and day 484 nears it's end, my mind wanders. Down that pebbly path; through the redwoods; over the brook. There my mind sits. Although in reality I sit here, 330,000 ft. above the Earth, where continents look like dried fruit.
I've been on Kepler 62 for over a year now. Before I left people joked, "Hey, when you're up there don't go all Tom Hanks on us and make friends with a Wilson." I don't hear from them much anymore; all I have is music, and Penelope.
That's right, Penelope. She's a raisin. We talk about all sorts of things. The ethics of drinking wine, dismantling PB&J culture, and elitism and Chardonnay.
Sending love from up here,
Sam & Penelope