The band Sad Robot's initial success came in 2012 with the release of 1.0, under a more traditionally rock sound. However, during 2014, Kat Pawlak and Nick Perez began exploring new sounds and ideas. As a result, the band had to undergo a complete transformation, culminating this year with the release of Aprés Moi, Le Déluge.
The new sound, which has been coined cine-pop (cinematic pop) because of its dramatic 80s synths, can now be found in their latest single "I Want You Bad." Like Jenny Lewis before her, actress-singer Pawlak seizes on the inherent overlap of emoting in music and acting. And, like a more alternative Amy Heidemann, Pawlak has a strong voice that carries the throwback sensations of "I Want You Bad."
The synth-pop feel ultimately makes the song an update of one of those classic late 80s love ballads.