Dylan Heneck
Nov 24, 2015
HAH! Wow. I'm a huge douche. I haven't written a post on Indie Shuffle in maybe 2 months. I love Indie Shuffle, so why would I do this to Indie Shuffle?
Regardless, I'm back, and what more appropriate than with a Jumping Back Slash jingle. Hardly a ...
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Dylan Heneck
May 8, 2017
Lyrically a very apt song for this Monday except, unlike in the song, no one is coming to rescue you. There is one bright patch to this Monday though, I have managed to come up with a way to make reviews a lot less repetitive for me to try and write....
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Dylan Heneck
Aug 21, 2015
It's a sad day in the world of South African music. Local producer, designer, promoter and all-around talent Applesawc has passed. It's a dark day indeed.
The only bright side being that his music will succeed him online. His SoundCloud lends an ide...
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