Brontë Martin
Feb 6, 2013
Fauxe is an electronic artist from Singapore who has been focusing his musical attention on curating electronic beats and music for the past three years. He strives to "recreate the sounds that come out of my head," which tends to hover around the do...
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Philip Friedman
Sep 16, 2012
Koreless takes an already gorgeous track and and spins it sexy through his silky remix machine. The result is so slick and lush that it's sure to make your eardrums mess your monster beats. We featured this track on a Sunday Night Chill playlist, but...
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Louisa Ferguson
Jun 15, 2013
OMN is Ollie McKendrick-Ness, an 18 year old producer from the UK (Birmingham, to be exact). To date, he's got a handful of self-released tracks, and even more potential as a young Oliver Tank in the making."Betwixt" is a particular favo(u)rite of m...
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Hugh McClure
Oct 19, 2012
Sydney-based/Canadian-born beat-maker Guerre (Lavurn Lee) has been slowly building a reputation as one of Australia's best up-and-coming producers. This reputation has seen him give support slots for the likes of Toro Y Moi, Bonobo and WU LYF. He als...
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