Ooooh, this is a dark one. I like it a lot.
Finnish duo Redder have released new single "Let Us Get Out," a dark and stormy track that trudges through breathy, sludgy folk and ominous trip-hop beats.
Oh, and there's a clarinet. Who even uses a clarinet?! God, I love clarinets in their lower ranges. It does the perfect job in this track, adding bluesy tones and unnervingly eerie wails. This is the thing of late nights, heavy rain, and red lipstick.
There's an seductive, almost spooky iciness to "Let Us Get Out," especially on the lowest parts of the vocal melody. It's unsettling at times, particularly with the temperate beats and the top-heavy, increasingly distorted vocals. I can't get enough of this sound, I want to hear so much more.
Redder's debut album Walk Long Play comes out on November 10 on Finnish label Cocoa Music.