Watch out, Shufflers -- Radiation City is on a roll! They're back to release their Cool Nightmare EP, and it just keeps getting better and better. I wouldn't have expected anything less.
In a nutshell, Cool Nightmare is sleek, innovative, and atmospherically unique. It's not so "out there" that it won't appeal to numerous demographics, but it's not so typically radio-friendly that there's nothing to be impressed about. Quite the opposite, actually. Radiation City knows how to teeter right on the cusp of psychedelic and garage rock and orchestral pop. All of those genres mixed together has now taken form in this avant-garde experimentation that yields an extremely tasteful and infectiously fresh style of independent music.
And you're in luck, Shufflers! If you like what you hear then you can go and get yourself a copy of Radiation City's Cool Nightmare EP, because it was just released! Prepare to put this EP on repeat.