You know how sometimes you have those nights where the Internet becomes a wormhole and you go through links until you get somewhere you barely recognize and find slightly troubling? That happened to me as I landed on what you're listening to now. I have no real words to describe it, and I honestly don't want to.
The following was found as a description of the trippy sounds you can enjoy from Pyramid Vritra:
Midnight Pink River Weather Grey? An assortment of colors and words that to some, upon first glance would seem random. However upon listen, turn into more of a description rather than a title. Alone but free, On edge but in love, dead yet more alive than you'd believe. Beauty lies in detail. Open your Mind, Close Your Eyes and feel The Grey.
Best Listened To:
- On psychedelics
- On the floor with pretty lights all around you.
- Alone. In the dark
- With your lover. In the dark
- Hotboxing
- While watching the sunset
- While watching the sunrise
- Hiking
- Biking
- Morning walks
- The club
- On the way to work
- Work
- The mall
- On the bus
- Road trips
- Any combination of the above. pick two and go nuts.
Enjoy :)
Actually Pyramid Vritra is part of the extended Odd Future family and is readying an album for Stones Throw to be released in 2014, but I liked what I first presented better.