Midwest producer Proh Mic is preparing his album release
Rhythm for Days, which drops later this month. The album blends and meshes various elements of soul, hip hop, and electronica in a very skilled way -- entirely produced by Proh Mic, except for one track where he passes the baton to Seattle cohort Vitamin D.
Rhythm For Days also features appearances from Georgia Anne Muldrow, Jimetta Rose and Tone Trezure.
While you may not know the name just yet, Proh Mic has quietly been putting in work all along the West Coast, from the Northwest down to Southern California, as well as in his home city of St. Louis. There are not too many instruments this man can't master, and he is no stranger to singing and rapping, either.
The first single is a collaboration between Proh Mic and his St. Louis brethren and Hawthorne Headhunters member Coultrain, as well as legendary Pharcyde member Imani. Those that still enjoy going out for a good time but hate asinine dance music, this is for you.