Sydney indie-poppers Pear Shape have just released their debut EP, and it is sooooo much fun! I mean if you haven't noticed, I'm an absolute sucker for fun indie pop, simply because it puts me in such a great mood. Their sound is playful, but each song offers more than the just fun poppy layer on top.
"The Coca Cola Kid" is the lead single, and it is ridiculously good. Catchy melodies, diary entry lyrics and a real vibrant sound makes this song so memorable. One line in particular, "Ohh the Coca Cola kid, find out what he did, and if he had good in-ten-tions," is lyrically clever and damn catchy at the same time.
It's an interesting combination of a sound similar to Vampire Weekend's fun pop sensibility and The Kook's Brit-pop lyricism that makes this particular track exude loads of charm and quirkiness.
Make sure you check the entire EP, because this fruit is right for the pickin'!